Saturday, 8 March 2014

The Henley Pancake Race

The Henley Blogger was present at this year's Pancake race, his first experience of this event.

The Mayor of Henley was present, and was the voice on the megaphone throughout.

It was sad that there was not a large crowd, but of course Shrove Tuesday has passed, and therefore the relevance of the event to Saturday shoppers was not that apparent!

My hearty congratulations to all who took part on a lovely sunny day, but with a cold wind blowing at the time. Thanks for the free entertainment.

Here are some photos I took of the event - they speak for themselves!

 The Mayor flips his pancake really high!

In contrast on Tuesday the Wallingford event was well attended.  The Henley Blogger was delayed arriving due to the bus being held up in the traffic, but here are a few pictures of the crowds for you to see.  Maybe next year we could have our event on the day?

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