Sunday, 22 June 2014

Henley Women's Regatta 20th - 22nd June 2014

A short explanation of the races from Wikipedia 
Henley Women's Regatta (sometimes referred to as Women's Henley) is a rowing regatta held at Henley-on-Thames, England. It was formed as a result of the lack of women's events at Henley Royal Regatta and first held in 1988.
Women's Henley is held on the same stretch of the Thames as Henley Royal but the course is shorter 1,500 m (Henley is 2,112 m) and stops at the Remenham Club. It takes place over Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 2 weeks before Henley Royal.
Since 2004 the regatta has used Intermediate, Senior and Elite categories instead of College, Club and Open. This is still up for further review and may change again in the near future.

 The Women's Regatta is half the length of the Men's but does seem to get a lot of support, the crowds down by Temple Island were cheering and applauding enthusiastically
 So far these pictures are of young ladies rowing up river towards the course.
 The busy River Thames with cabin cruisers and the like on it occasionally need the services of the Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service. Hopefully the ladies will not need this in their boats!  I was told by one girl in WH Smith that her friend was in the races and had blisters all up her legs due to racing!  These women can look after themselves, strong legs and arms !

 The losers at the finish of the race, very close to the Umpire's Launch
 Some ladies rowing in a race
 A cheeky tourist moored at the finish post watching proceedings!
An Umpire's launch.

To finish a rather shoddy video I shot at then end of one race this afternoon

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

May Fair at Mill End Meadows etc May the 14th (sorry for the delay in posting !)

The May Fair on the 14th was well attended, and the pictures here were taken at the start of the event before the crowds built up
The pictures above were of the Ferret Races which were very entertaining, even if one Ferret got stuck in a box and did not turn round and finish the race!
Not Mods, or even Rockers, just  a rally of Vespar owners, supported by a few bikers
The grandstand for the Regatta spends the winter moored on the other side of the river near to Phyllis Court.  Here it has reached its position for the Reggata.
The Virgin Balloon touching down over the Marlow Road