Sunday, 27 April 2014

A selection of pictures, information etc

I have been busy decorating the outside of my home, and have managed to do half of it. The weather has turned wet, let us pray that the flooding will not return. I noticed yesterday that the water was beginning to cover the floating moorings Thameside. The preparations for the Henley Regatta have started. Sodexo have posted up planning permission notices regarding the sale of alcoholic drinks this year. It seems highly unlikely that anyone will object, On the Thames Path side of the river they have started to build rather executive looking marquees for the Regatta. I took a picture of these last night

Thanks to blog visitor Susan for this information "Friday Street is called Friday because there used to be a pond at the bottom where the residents would buy fish to be eaten on 'Fridays'...also Duke Street was originally 'Duck Street'"  I will soon be including some local history information I have gleaned from a library of books I am building up. Also from the fabulous local collection of books in the Henley Public Library.
We had a great evening recently at the Kenton Theatre in New Street. It is a pity that the performer Bob Dury was an hour late coming on to the stage. He said it was due to traffic delays. He should have allowed for traffic james etc, not at all professional. He however was good. Below is a You Tube video of part of the show that he did at another theatre.

Last Thursday the Market took a different turn, there were lots of stalls selling cooked food etc, The lady working the spinning wheel told me how relaxing a hobby spinning was. It didn't look like that to me, a lot of hand-eye and foot coordination is needed.

Bank Holiday Monday was a rather wet day, but we visited Dusty Springfield's memorial in the grave yard of St Mary the Virgin Church - a message from a fan was on the flowers left there.

Here is one of my favourite Dusty Springfield songs for you to listen to, and hopefully enjoy

On Bank Holiday Monday we took a trip up to Dusty Springfield's memorial in St Mary the Virgin Churchyard.

The Chantry House which has been beautifully preserved using money from a lottery grant of around  1.5 million pounds.

They serve coffee and teas most Sundays on Monday during a bank holiday. Thanks to the Ladies there for lovely cakes, my favourite was there - coffee cake with butter cream icing.  The chairman of the committee was on  hand to show us the upper meeting room and explain about the history of the building.  

From a visit Henley site

The Chantry House is a high-status, late medieval timber-framed building on the east side of Henley churchyard, north of the the church. Its main two floors open into the churchyard; below is a bottom floor which, because of a sharp drop in ground level, faces only eastwards to the river, and is accessed through the yard of the Red Lion inn.

The name suggests that it housed some of Henley's medieval chantry priests, but in fact the name originated only during the early 20th century. Others have suggested that it fulfilled a commercial use associated with the river, or a communal one associated with parish life. Either way it is the finest timber-framed building in Henley, and on the churchyard side was clearly designed for show.
For further details see

This is how wet is was on Bank Holiday Monday, I did not wear a coat or have and umbrella, so the rain was soaking into my shirt!

Finally a lovely site for me, a rabbit lover, a picture of the smallest and youngest rabbits I saw this morning at the gate leading to the Henley Hawks rugby ground by the river.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Henley on Thames walk

On Tuesday we went for a lovely walk along the River Thames.
I  made a video of the pictures I took of the wildlife we saw.  A Crested Grebe,  a favourite wildfowl of mine, on water and one on the nest.  A coot on the nest that was emitting a clicking noise to warn people away from her nest.  A rowing boat, and mist – possibly the Sahara smog, that got me coughing and wheezing this week.