Thursday, 26 December 2013

Boxing Day - traditional Thames Swim Day

Unfortunately the traditional Thames swim on Boxing Day was cancelled for the most sensible reasons. The current was too fast, and debris was flowing down the river as well.  Also it was freezing cold!

Correction ( I was on the wrong side of the river - see the news reproduced here from the Henley on Thames News

THIRTEEN swimmers plunged into the swollen Thames for a Boxing Day dip.

Six of them completed the 70m swim across the river from the landing stages near the Red Lion Hotel on the Henley side to the Berkshire bank near Leander Club.

Beatrice Heller, 27, did the route first as she is the group’s strongest swimmer and she finished 150m downstream, climbing out on to the flooded towpath.

She was followed by her brother Douglas, 29, and friends Henry Collett, 27, from Russell’s Water, Chris Gee, 28, from Singapore, James Bowkett, 29, from London, and David Thompson, 29, from Fife.

About 40 spectators, including friends and family, watched as they braved the 6C water. The remaining seven swimmers had a quick thrash around in the water close to the Berkshire bank.

The event, now in its fourth year, went ahead despite the Henley reach being on red boards due to a strong flow. Last year’s swim was cancelled because the river was deemed unsafe.

The swimmers, who took about three minutes to cross the river, were not accompanied by a safety boat. Mr Heller, from Skirmett, said: “It was a case of not swimming against the stream and just swimming to get to the other side. Beatrice set out first because the stream was very fast and she is the strongest swimmer.

“I think everyone watching thought we were insane and they were almost silent. Perhaps they thought we were swimming to our deaths, so it would be inappropriate to clap. There were a few whoops when we got out though.”

When the swimmers got out of the water, they were wrapped in towels and given mulled cider, hot mince pies and hot water bottles.

Mr Heller added: “Invigorating is one word I would use to describe the swim as it gives you a bit of an adrenaline rush.”

Before the swim, there was a safety meeting at which some people who had planned to take the plunge decided against.

Mr Heller said: “There were initially 35 people who wanted to do the dip but we wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the possible dangers. Those who took part were strong swimmers and 100 per cent confident of being able to get across.”

Published 06/01/14 

Instead I took some more pictures - being the new guy on the block I am luxuriating in the variety of buildings and views in this fine town.

First though an example of those pavements on the Marlow Road covered in slushy leaves.  There are also a few nasty potholes, treacherous to cyclists in the road as well.  Today further down, fortunately not where we were walking - a massive flood on the road!  On Christmas day drivers were avoiding puddles by the road side - today they were driving through the puddles!  They have to if a car is on the other side, but in both instances there was no car !

Meanwhile in town

The Boxing Day view of the river front

Two chaps arriving at the pub on a boat - real style!  Also the first rows of tables are currently submerged by the swollen river

What a fabulous name for a Street, does anyone know why it is called Friday Street?  Man Friday?

Some really old cottages 

Some stone statues in a shop window, remind me of Doctor Who's characters - don't blink!

A Dentist's in a really quaint ancient building

A cooker from yester-year in a shop window

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

The Henley Living Advent Calender - Final evening 24th December 2013

We have lived in Henley for just over a week now, and have unfortunately not been able to visit the other 23 live music and speech events which form the Living Advent Calendar.

This evening's performance was outside St Mary The Virgin Church.  The choir sang some enchanting Christmas Carols.

The vicar read some poems in between the carols.

They were collecting money for charity, the purpose of the events which are quite unique outside of Sweden. The mayor gave a speech at the end thanking all of the organisers, local papers and businesses for supporting the event.  This is the first time I have seen the local Mayor and was suitably impressed by his oratory style.

Here are some pictures of the event.

I managed to take a few seconds of the choir singing - angelic and this made the evening enjoyable for over 100 spectators, who were asked to dig deep into their pockets, the event this year was £340 short of last years so far.

Monday, 23 December 2013

Pictorial comments

A rather blurred photo due to the rain and winds today, but this is the section of the Marlow Road which is in need of resurfacing and leaves sweeping off pavements!
Our local cinema in Henley on Thames on a wet 23rd December - an ambitious programme for a local independent cinema

A fallen tree with plenty of interesting fungi growing on it!  This is in the private grounds of the Henley Rugby Grounds by the river - taken from the road over the fence.

A few grumbles

I am amazed at the prices that the Sainsbury's Local store charge in Henley.  I have only lived here a week and it has immediately struck me as a lame duck, except for the reduced stock it may have on it's shelves.

A quick example of gross overcharging is their own farmhouse loaf which cost £1.30 when bought in their Pinner Store and is £1.49 there.  Also their 4 pint 1% fat milk in Pinner store, and their Sainsbury local in Rayners Lane is £1 and in the Henley store is a whacking £1.29.  In buying just 2 basic items the mark up price is a staggering 48 pence!

I spoke to a chap in the store and he replied "we are a convenience store." That is no excuse - we should all refuse to buy anything there.  Waitrose is nearby so perhaps they do not have to match too many prices?

The same can be said of Tesco Express and other chains which have so called convenience stores,

Convenience stores in an area which has a major supermarket close by are not convenient!  Convenience stores to my mind exist in areas that do not have large shops close at hand, and you expect high charges

I will be trying the Tesco in town soon!

Final grumble is about the slushy leaves that occupy most of the public footpath on the Marlow Road leading into Henley Town.  Shame on the council, also whoever is responsible for the road which needs resurfacing!

Thursday, 19 December 2013

A few photos taken on arrival in Henley

I mentioned in an earlier posting that I had taken some pictures with my mobile phone on arrival and the first day or so, but could not find the lead to connect up to the pc.  I have found it and here they are with a few comments under each picture

 This is a picture taken in the Catherine Wheel, which is a Wetherspoons pub and hotel. It is lovely in here, and there are two bars at each end in a very spacious pub. Also an outside area for the summer and smokers!

A view of the Henley Rugby pitch  on the Marlow Road- with a magnificent pile of leaves that have been swept up

Some fabulous old cottages in Henley

A section of road, New Street has a turn left only, and is a pedestrian hell as vehicles really zoom round the corner. Thankfully not this morning when I was pushing my Virgin media boxes to go back on a trolley. A kind driver, pulled up and beckoned me on. The people of Henley are great (so far and hopefully always)

 Another group of cute houses in Henley on Thames

The Kenton Theatre - they are staging Aladdin this year.

The Brakspear brewery, a neighbour tells me that they do not produce the beer here any more, I will do some research on this one!

A welcome to all on the river front from J Hooper and Sons - Keep Out private property!

More pictures to add shortly.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Mud, dragon races, lady rowers etc

I have arrived in Henley and learning all about this fantastic town.

I cannot put any pictures taken a day or so ago due to not being able to find the usb lead for my mobile phone.

Today, Sunday my wife and I went to the local rugby ground and crossed the exceptionally boggy pathway, there were literally hundreds of boys and teenagers playing Rugby.  Due to the rain the field was exceptionally boggy.  However everyone seemed to be having a good time. Standing by were some paramedics, prevented from entering the field by a locked gate.  Here are some pictures of the action we saw.

When we left the field we moved towards the lovely River Thames, but the rain started, hence the grainy pictures in parts.

My wife fed the Canadian Geese that were swimming past, but the naughty Seagulls (Terns I think) stole nearly every morsel of food.

I had become aware of some drumming in the distance which resembled bongo drums.  Then suddenly a large number of rowing boats showed up  - a dragon boat race.  Very impressive with someone at the front banging a large drum to set the rhythm for the rowers,  One set of boats was being propelled by a group dressed in Santa outfits!

We also saw some lovely riverside views in the light rain, plus some people rowing. I am amazed at the large quantity of lady rowers seen this our first weekend here, both today and Saturday.

If you have any information to add to this brief post - please send in comments and I will consider these for inclusion, thank you.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Coming soon with a little luck

I hope to be moving to Henley at the end of this year so watch this space for some posts from a newcomer exploring your fabulous town.

Here are some photos I took in August - see you soon!